
Mendesian originated in Mendes; the Greek name of the Ancient Egyptian city of Djadwt, also known in Ancient Egypt as Par Ba’anabdjadwt (The Domain of the Ram Lord of Djadwt) and Inpat, is known today as Tell El-Ruba. This Nile delta city became the capitol of Ancient Egypt’s Late Period. Mendesian perfume was so popular for thousands of years, that it became known simply as ‘The Egyptian’ by Roman times.
Ba’nabdjadwt was the god of Mendes, who was consulted by the Divine Tribunal in the Judgment of Horus and Seth. Ptah, the creator god of Memphis, took the form of Ba’nabdjadwt in his form of virility in the conception of Rameses II. It can be worn for creativity, virility, and a favorable court verdict.
Our Mendesian oil is made with traditional oils, and produced using heat steeping method, whereby the raw materials are macerated and the scent is transferred to the oils over low heat for several hours. An ancient scent of myrrh with a top note of cinnamon.

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